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The Path Of Venus Masterclass

In this event, I'll be sharing my transmission of what it means to walk the path of Venus. It can also be known as the path of the feminine, or the path of the Rose. You'll receive some of my most transformative practices for feminine awakening & how to connect to your own unique Venusian archetype.

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The Path Of Venus Masterclass
The Path Of Venus Masterclass

Time & Location:

20 Feb 2022, 17:00 GMT

Facebook Group

The call of the womb...

In this masterclass, I'll be sharing my transmission of what it means to walk the path of Venus. It could also be known as the path of the feminine, or the path of the Rose. You'll receive some of my most transformative practices for feminine awakening & how to connect to your own unique Venusian archetype.

Venus is my greatest teacher in this life. She is the Queen & Mother of all of the feminine wisdom lineages. She embodies pure love, sexuality, intimacy, open-heartedness, sensual pleasure, womb wisdom, natural beauty & the medicine of the  rose.  

Last year, my astrologer sister (@charlottevetter__ ) ✨ , after reading my chart, shared a message with me…That I was here to  be an embodied example of Venusian energy for others. To help people  remember again, after generations of dis-embodiment & functioning in  a survival mode. 

I am a Taurus sun, Mercury in Taurus & my Venus is in Taurus. 

Taurus’,  in their high essence are absolute beacons of sensual pleasure (Taurus  is ruled by Venus). They love delicious food, touch, sensual scents, natural beauty & all the finer things in life. 😘🌹 

I’m here to be a lover & an example of a woman who makes love to life. 

Through my words, the way I touch, the way I eat, the way I make oo's &  aah's, the way I live in pure wonderment, the way I breath in the sensual beauty of nature. 

You deserve pleasure. You deserve ALOT of pleasure ~ I'm not just talking about sexual pleasure. The pleasure  spectrum is so deliciously broad…

AND, how you experience your  pleasure is individual to YOU ~ it’s a mind, body, soul feeling ~ &  no 2 humans experience pleasure in the same way. 

We have been  conditioned so deeply (via religious texts, p/rn & the media) to think that pleasure is a "one framework that fits all". That couldn’t be  more incorrect! 

Walking the path of Venus has changed & enriched my life. It IS my life now! ❤️‍🔥  

So, if you feel like I’m vibrating something divine that inspires you, or that you wish to receive the golden gems of my own feminine empowerment, this is it.

*** This masterclass is the pre-launch of my upcoming ancient feminine wisdom school & mentorship. All those who join live will receive an exclusive earlybird discount. Woo! ***

See you soon, ooooh I am fizzing with excitement! 

Melissa xx


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