My name is Melissa. I am a Womb Witch and Feminine Empowerment guide.
I am a truth seeker, taboo breaker and unraveller of all things profane.
I am passionate about empowering women to be deeply connected to their sexuality and their womb wisdom!
My journey started a many years ago when I had lost my period for the second time in my life, this time for 3 years. I went on a powerful, devoted voyage through Latin America to heal my womb and receive my Moon back.
Why did I lose my fertility? A culmination of things. Unhealed sexual trauma, the damaging longterm effects of birth control, I had ovarian cysts, a 9 year severe eating disorder, years of substance abuse, a total disconnection to my body & Yoni... the list goes on!
I worked with plant medicine and lived with womb wisdom shamans, and after a year and a half of consistent deep womb healing, I was re-initiated into womanhood with the return of my period and fertility.
Everything was different. I newly held the conscious awareness of my cyclical feminine body that I had never been taught how to honor or live in tune with growing up.
That's when I went on another journey, this time within myself. I embarked on my sacred sexual revolution by working deeply with Yoni Eggs, Tantra, Taoism and in devotion to living in tune with the cyclical 4 hormone phases of the menstrual cycle.
To me, (and I hope you agree) it is my birth-right to be both empowered within my cyclical body and sexually liberated.
I am an active re-generator of a new forthcoming world; where the feminine stands high in her most unfiltered and wildest power.
I am here to guide Womb healing and awakening.
I am here to facilitate the dissolving of feminine compliance and submissiveness.
I am here to recreate the sacred balance between the masculine and the feminine, after generations of misunderstanding and disrespecting each other.

Like a caterpillar into the alchemic chrysalis, this process is already unfolding and old, outdated misogyny goes into the primordial melting pot:
A fresh paradigm is born.
As one by one, I witness the Women around me transform and step into their sexual empowerment and their creative magic.
That, is what I live for.

My Qualifications & Life Experiences
I have walked many paths already, at just 25 years old...
I have a background in photography, fine art & feminist history (herstory) from Camberwell, University of the Arts in London and Parsons, The New School in NYC.
My deeper journey of self-enquiry began with my yogic training. I studied both kaula tantra yoga (200hrs) in Ecuador and then Hridaya hatha yoga and meditation (Level 1 and 2) in Mexico.
Over the past few years, I have studied Shamanism and Womb healing with various indigenous healers in Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica and Guatemala.
I have experienced many traditonal ceremonies of Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Kambo and mushrooms with indigenous healers in Mayaland. Many times I have chosen to journey with Shamans in an intimate 1-1 container.
I feel very spiritually connected to the wisdom of the Mayas, and spend most of my time in Mayaland (Central & South America) listening, learning and being in service.
I studied with Mark Elmy to offer Mayan Nawal readings using the ancient Choq Qu’j calendar. I have also studied how to hold traditional ancient cacao ceremony with wisdom keepers in Mayaland.
I was living with a medicine family in Ecuador in the Andean mountains for 6 weeks, and this is where the deepest wisdom and the intricacy of the Andean rituals and ways of living permeated my being. I will hold this experience forever in my heart.
In Peru, I completed level 1&2 of Reiki and I weave this together with my practioner training in Womb and Fertility Massage Therapy (completed in England) to create a beautiful Ceremonial Womb massage offering. This is a one of kind offering I have concocted for Womb-bearers, to heal pain in the womb and cultivate a deeper connection to their Yoni.
In 2020 I was personally invited to The Wayeb, a 5 day Tz'utijil Mayan initiation journey in Guatemala. We were non-stop in cacao ceremony, mayan fire ceremony, receiving mayan womb massage, tobacco ceremony, shamanic healing and receiving ancient mayan healing arts. This experience was profoundly life changing.
I have learnt all about the ancient blood mysteries and how to work with menstrual blood as a healing tool, with each of the elements (as our ancestors did), with the hereditary Witch Freya McFarlane and Hannah Borababy. This wisdom is now an integral and majestic part of my life practice!
I have studied FAM and natural fertility with Audrey Jeanne as a tool to cultivate complete sexual sovereignty and be in union/alliance with my cycle.
I have spent many years studying the Goddess archetypes through ancient Goddess mystery courses, retreats and my own self-exploration.
I have studied Taoism and Tantra in its many different branches, from the ancient Yoni Egg practice to Taoist sexual energy practices to Tantric bodywork practices.
I have completed 250 hours of (in person) training (by www.taotantricarts.com) in Chinese Shamanic Medicine, Taoism, Tantra, Qigong, Goddess Temple dance, the Jade egg practice, Tantric bodywork, sacred sexuality, conscious partnership & wombyn’s sexual health.
I am a devoted student on this path... I will never stop learning!
Right now I am completing a 2 year intensive sex, love and relationships coaching training with Layla Martin, specializing in women’s sexuality and conscious relationship counselling.

More about my background...
Here are some fun things you need to know about me!
I am originally from the countryside of south England, just outside London.
I’ve been nomadic for the past few years, living & travelling in New York, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Egypt, Mexico and Costa Rica.
Oaxaca in Mexico is my second home, and I hope to build my own house and a Woman's Temple there soon!
I am 1 of 5 daughters. I have 4 older sisters. I am the youngest, the wildest & a bit of a black sheep to say the least.
I’m an Earth Mama, a Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon & Aquarius rising. Most of my natal chart is Earth, and many planets in Aquarius (air).
I’m super grounded, my voice is deep & soft & I am a very slow moving sloth. People tend to gravitate towards me to feel more grounded.
My Venus is in Taurus too, so I love anything sensual, delicious, luxurious & aesthetically beautiful. Surround me in beauty & pleasure & I will be melting in bliss.
I’m very maternal & I adore nourishing others! I love to cook you delicious feasts, to shower you in thoughtful gifts, to make you homemade herbal medicines or just to offer you listenership, kind words & tender hugs.
Touch is my love language. So is delicious FOOD.
I love to offer hands on healing more than anything. I’m a certified Reiki practitioner, Womb & fertility massage therapist & Tantric bodyworker. My hands are my gift.
I am a self-taught folk herbalist & make all my own plant medicines, especially ones related to the menstrual cycle & Womb healing.
I am a Ceremonialist & love creating sacred spaces, magical altars & portals for people to come back home to themselves.
I’m in the process of writing medicine music, sometimes channeled through plant medicine. I love to sing & drum & always weave my voice into my sacred spaces.
I’m an old soul, mystic & divination channel. I work with the Tarot & have begun practicing with Runes for readings.
My soul Tarot card number is 5: the Hierophant ~ the priest(ess), the channel of spirit, & the teacher.
In Mayan Cosmovision I am 9 Kan. 9 ~ the number of the sacred feminine. Kan ~ the feathered serpent, the wisdom, the teacher, the life force & kundalini energy.
Melissa is the Latin name for the plant Lemon Balm which is a master soother of anxiety.
In the Eleusinian mysteries, “The Melissae” were the Honey Bee Priestess’ who were revered by the Greek Gods & Goddess’ as holy medicine Women & visionaries.
My background is in fine art, photography & intersectional feminist history. I studied at Camberwell in UAL in London & then at Parsons, The New School in New York. I still photograph in 35mm film as a hobby (mostly nudes in nature!).
In this life I’ve been a professional gymnast, a english county lacrosse player, a tv & film actress, an artist, a painter, a photographer, a yoga teacher, a herbalist & who knows what next?!
I had a big car accident over 4 years ago that completely changed the trajectory of my life. Shortly after, my soul path began. The universe intervened, because I was just SO out of alignment.
My path is so clear now. I am here on this Earth in service to Womb Awakening.
I guide worldwide women on a journey of ancestral Womb healing, sexual empowerment & re-initiating the ancient, cyclical wisdom of the menstrual cycle.
Right now, my babies are a podcast called “Fundamental Feminine Wisdom” & my signature 7 month online school called "The Venusian Wisdom School" which I am just obsessed with.
I hold also retreats & ceremonies all over the world & have 1-1 clients in sacred feminine mentorship on zoom.
Thank you so much for being part of my journey!
Truly every like, share, message & testimonial I receive from you strengthens my WHY & affirms that my souls mission is continually blessed.
With love and gratitude,
Melissa xxx